21. [34.88%]
Winner's Dinners - In snail country, a place worth shelling out for
look out of place.
Stanley Silver, Hertfordshire
Charming photo - but why do you wear cut-off nightdresses under your jacket?
Dennis Pallis, Kent
I'll give up The Sunday Times if I see another picture of you wearing
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2010/20100815.php - 8.2kb
22. [34.88%]
Winner's Dinners - Local authority
true, as your correspondent Stanley Silver writes (July 8 ), that "no really sophisticated person would possibly ask for such a passe concoction". But socially secure people eat and drink what they fancy and don't give a damn about whether they
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2001/20010722.php - 8.1kb
23. [34.88%]
Winner's Dinners - When you've gotta go . . .
many traveller's cheques.
Stanley Silver, Hadley Wood
Michael Winner recently gave a small mention to The Square in Mayfair (November 25 ), with the note that they served "proper food". I promptly booked a table for dinner and was served
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2001/20011223.php - 8.2kb
24. [34.88%]
Winner's Dinners - Long in the tooth
"nice", but magnificent.
Stanley Silver, Hadley Wood,
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2002/20020714.php - 8.2kb
25. [34.88%]
Winner's Dinners - I'm back - and there's no place I'd rather be
can't, become critics."
Stanley Silver,
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2007/20070311.php - 7.2kb
26. [34.88%]
Winner's Dinners - Nobody does British better than the foreigners
year's No Smoking rules.
Stanley Silver, Hertfordshire
Last week you criticised restaurant manager Rachel Lewis. Having returned from the Isle of Man I wonder if she learnt her attitude there. I've never seen such rude service. We were
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2006/20060827.php - 8.4kb
27. [34.88%]
Winner's Dinners - Just right for a graze before I'm put out to pasture
St Austell
May I ask Stanley Silver (Winner's Letters, last week ) what's wrong with going out with a woman of your own age? It's well-known that women, generally, age better than men. Witness the picture of yourself last week with the
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2005/20051211.php - 8.5kb
28. [34.88%]
Winner's Dinners - Only one thing to do when I get on board - take flight
tongue in your cheek!
Stanley Silver, Hertfordshire
Regarding last week's photo : surely you're wealthy enough not have to wear shorts made from curtains and a shirt made from old ones sewn together? Did you do it for a bet? Does Sandy
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2006/20060122.php - 8.5kb
29. [34.88%]
Winner's Dinners - Lunch with Mo - all over the shop but still historic
someone made you wear it.
Stanley Silver, Hertfordshire
Your landlord Graham Dobson (Winner's Dinners, last week ) has even worse dress sense than you. A checked shirt worn with a tie made from one of your shirt tails is the pits. The meal
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2006/20060312.php - 8.6kb
30. [34.88%]
Winner's Dinners - Say cheese
ignore it all his life".
Stanley Silver, Hadley Wood, Herts
Has Le Palais du Jardin, London, become a victim of its own success? On booking a table for 10pm, my husband, his parents and I arrived promptly, in good spirits after a
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/1996/19960407.php - 7.4kb