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1. [100.00%] Winner's Dinners - Aiming for a slice of the sandwich market
know something we don't? Adam Osborn, Malaga, Spain The Sunday Times states that its esteemed columnist is 75 and Miss Lynton-Edwards five years younger. Surely a mistake? It's clear Michael will never see 85 again, while the delightful
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2011/20110828.php - 8.2kb

2. [27.17%] Winner's Dinners - Doing bird with a duck that was too local
most genuine this year. Adam Osborn, Malaga,
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2007/20071230.php - 7.4kb

3. [24.53%] Winner's Dinners - A lunch that's too pricey - even for me
Useless, all of it. Adam had "fillet of beef with seared foie gras, rossini, sacristain potatoes, perigeux sauce". He asked for green vegetables. As he was finishing, a tiny bowl of overcooked vegetables arrived for an extra charge of
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2008/20080316.php - 7.5kb

4. [18.87%] Winner's Dinners - Big in Japan - expensive at Gordon's gaff
gesture is more generous. Adam Osborn, Malaga, Spain. I see, like Ted Heath, you're trying to immortalise yourself with your mausoleum . What's the saying - "Glorification on earth, none in heaven"? Anne Davis, Wiltshire So you're
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2008/20080608.php - 7.6kb

5. [13.58%] Winner's Dinners - The highlight of this year's Barbadossing
style. I wonder which. Adam Osborn, Malaga, Spain You've recommended Assaggi in Notting Hill. I made a reservation well in advance for four people at 9pm. When I phoned to say we'd now be two people the manager said we could only come
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2008/20080210.php - 7.6kb

6. [13.58%] Winner's Dinners - I graduate with a third-class kedgeree
it will be a success. Adam Osborn, Malaga,
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2012/20120212.php - 7.5kb

7. [10.94%] Winner's Dinners - Delightful - despite the odd discordant note
near you in Holland Park. Adam Osborn, Malaga, Spain If you don't like Spain why go there, you fat, pompous git? Tim Jackson, Liverpool What a shame I hadn't read your rabbit-warning before going to Le Cafe Anglais. Mine looked
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2008/20080413.php - 7.2kb

8. [7.92%] Winner's Dinners - Search Restaurant Reviews
Sir Stirling Moss Adam Osborn Dennis Pallis Don Roberts Stanley Silver Rolf Soderlind Edna Weiss Michael Winner 13 Jun 1993 , 7 Aug 1994 , 29 Nov 2009
http://www.winnersdinners.com/search.php?search=letters - 2.9kb

9. [5.66%] Winner's Dinners - We're a little late for tea with Mussolini
will be complete. Adam Osborn, Malaga, Spain The top candidate for a Winner's Dinners pomposity award is Stoke Place, Buckinghamshire. The dreadful amuse-bouches did nothing to amuse and, after a tiny morsel passed itself off as
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2012/20120930.php - 7.3kb

10. [5.66%] Winner's Dinners - Hidden gems in the murky depths of east London
it your magical camera? Adam Osborn, Malaga, Spain Like Michael, we've all been interrupted by waiter dialogue . The favourite ploy, which waiters seem specially trained to use, is to ask if everything is all right only when you have a
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2011/20111030.php - 8.3kb

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