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51. [51.72%] Winner's Dinners - It's round the corner . . . and doesn't send me up the wall
and the cat scan." Reader Dennis Pallis of Kent sent that. Blame him. Michael's missives When John Cleese holidayed with you in Switzerland, I presume the two of you, in view of his ex-wife's name, would have considered a visit
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2009/20090823.php - 8.1kb

52. [51.72%] Winner's Dinners - The world's most colossal show-off - no, not me
Who was the model? Dennis Pallis, Kent I'm glad you found the Ritz "tastefully Christmassed up ". I couldn't believe what I saw at Claridge's in the way of a Christmas creation - 20ft high, in baby blue, instead of a traditional
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2009/20091227.php - 7.9kb

53. [51.72%] Winner's Dinners - Not my choice of lifestyle, but a great destination
dressed than yourself. Dennis Pallis, Kent Can you believe the Grosvenor House hotel has no Marmite? Even worse, room service sent Vegemite as a substitute in my hangover cure breakfast. Get on the case, man. Julie Stonel, Surrey
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2010/20100502.php - 8.1kb

54. [51.72%] Winner's Dinners - Go in shrimp-sized and emerge as an elephant
not who you appear to be! Dennis Pallis, Kent Loved the picture of you with the four old ladies. Which one was you? Chris Phillips, Buckinghamshire The four ladies shown in the photo were dressed elegantly and appropriately for
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2010/20100718.php - 8.0kb

55. [51.72%] Winner's Dinners - With friends like me, who needs difficult guests?
with kids in restaurants! Dennis Pallis, Kent Send letters to Winner's Dinners, The Sunday Times, 1 Pennington Street, London E98 1ST or e-mail
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2009/20090531.php - 8.0kb

56. [51.72%] Winner's Dinners - I knew Cleese shouldn't have married that grim girl
delusions of inadequacy. Dennis Pallis, Kent You with Gigi ! You're not exactly the suave, unforgettable Maurice Chevalier, so please don't break into singing Thank Heaven for Little Girls. Don Roberts, Cheshire I was sorry not
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2008/20080706.php - 10.6kb

57. [51.72%] Winner's Dinners - I'm back - and there's no place I'd rather be
service may be resumed. Dennis Pallis, Kent Having observed your photos for years I've no idea what your teeth look like. I trust they're not in a state of disrepair. As a dentist, I offer my services. I'd consider it tantamount to being
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2007/20070311.php - 7.2kb

58. [51.72%] Winner's Dinners - From the ridiculous to the sublime
with her grandfather. Dennis Pallis, Kent May we see more of the delightful Geraldine and read less of the idiotic ramblings of an imbecile please? P J Barry, Ireland You said you were "not put on Earth to unwrap sugar" which
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2008/20080302.php - 7.2kb

59. [51.72%] Winner's Dinners - Burning anger replaced by a warm welcome
Now that takes class! Dennis Pallis, Kent Two days before I was to return BA from Turkey, they told me they'd re arranged the flight, so I had to go back three days later. I spent the extra time trying to tell their chief executive,
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2008/20080309.php - 7.4kb

60. [51.72%] Winner's Dinners - All going swimmingly down at the beach
with such modest talent. Dennis Pallis, Kent Your praise of the River Cafe's maitre d' (Winner's Dinners, October 8 ) is spot on. I found the service excellent, the cooking good. But at £30 for four scallops (this doth not a main
http://www.winnersdinners.com/reviews/2006/20061022.php - 7.1kb

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